Author: 217245
Lecture – Presentation of my work
Codarts RotterdamUniversity of the Arts 6 December 2021Rotterdam | Holland
Diálogos da Teoria
Ciclo Diálogos da Análise, Composição e Performance Compositores improvisando sobre a Análise (mesa redonda)Carlos Azevedo, Dimitris Andrikopoulos e Paulo PerfeitoModeração: Igor Reina 2 de dezembro […]
Tocata & Fuga
The documentary by Jorge Campos “Tocata & Fuga, The days of Mario Claudio” that I had the great pleasure writing the original […]
Moura Sessions
Cidnay International Masterclass SeriesMoura Sessions Innovation, Disruption and intervention in Art Dimitris AndrikopoulosRebecca Moradalizadeh 1 September 2021Santo Tirso | Portugal
Solo I
for Multipercussion Portuguese Premiere Nuno Aroso Tomarimbando International Percussion Festival 24 July 2021 | 21hTomar | Portugal
Nova Contemporary Music Meeting
Dimitris Andrikopoulos Nuno Aroso Composer-Computer-Interpreter. A three-way collaborative process in the creation of two new works for multipercussion. 6 May 2021Lisbon | […]
Ergon Ensemble | Greek Diaspora Composers
Solo for Two (Greek first performance)Duo for Multipercussion Megaron the Athens Concert Hall 13 April 2021 | 18h30Athens | Greece
Ergon Ensemble | Greek Diaspora Composers
Four Children Evening Miniaturesfor Ensemble Megaron the Athens Concert Hall 13 April 2021 | 18h30Athens | Greece